Site news
Securing the Foundation: Ushering in a New Era of Opportunity to Support Young Children, Families, and Communities
Joan Lombardi, Ph.D, gives recommendations to address six important opportunities by investing in policies to build the economy and support families.
September 26, 2024
March 21, 2024
Not a moment to wait: Climate action, young children and the hope for change
We must face the facts and bring more people together to work for change. There is hope in action.
September 11, 2023
Thriving Providers Project: What We Have Learned So Far
Lessons learned from the first direct cash transfer program in the United States focused exclusively on home-based child care providers.
August 04, 2023
Decline of Home-Based Child Care Options Sours Parents' Perception of the Child Care Market
Natalie Renew, SCEC Leadership Council member and executive director of Home Grown, interviews Child Trends researcher Winnie Li.
June 07, 2023
The Impact of Environment and Climate Change on Early Childhood Development
Climate disasters are particularly disruptive to the lives of young children and their families, creating risks of toxic stress and ongoing adverse childhood experiences.
April 21, 2023
The New Neighborhood: A Home for Community Early Childhood Systems
"Community early childhood system efforts often feel like they are recreating the wheel," writes Dr. Joan Lombardi for the Center of the Study of Social Policy.
April 10, 2023